Building Ancillary Revenue Streams for your Coffeeshop or Cafe

  • Room: Conversation Corner
  • Session Number: CSS14
Saturday,June 25, 2022:12:00 PM -12:30 PM


Allison Krupp
VP of Marketing
Hope & Sesame Sesamemilk


Don’t you wish that every moment in your coffeehouse was peak rush hours? You know …10 people deep in line all with big orders? Wouldn’t that be great? The reality is for most coffee shops that after the rush of morning customers, sales drop dramatically throughout the day. So… how do you make the revenues to keep your cafe operating profitable and drive your business?


Allison Krupp is Marketing Strategist with 30 years of experience building revenues for corporations like Target, Fresh Thyme Farmers Markets, and CH Distillery as well as restaurants, cafes, and restaurant chains. She will show you how to maximize revenue opportunities in gap or down periods of business and how to explore ancillary income possibilities to increase profitability and drive your brand.
